effervescent 500 mg. Side effects and complications by the internal insomnia, headache, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, indigestion, constipation, flatulence, myalgia, asthenia. to 80 mg, 100 mg, 250 mg, 500mg on, to 325 mg tab., enteric coated tablets, 75 mg to 81 mg, 100 mg, 150 mg, 300 mg tab. Pharmacotherapeutic group: S10AA02 - lipid lowering agent. In patients with familial hypercholesterolemia, Non-Family Safe forms of hypercholesterolemia, mixed hyperlipidemia reduces total cholesterol, and apolipoprotein B LNSCH; reduces LDNSCH triglyceride levels and leads to increase rabbit LVSCH lowers cholesterol and lipoproteins in plasma blood by inhibition of HMG-CoA reductase and cholesterol synthesis in the liver and by increasing the number of receptors to LNSCH on membranes of hepatocytes, and lowers the formation of particles LNSCH LNSCH. Indications of drug: in addition to diet to here patients with high levels of total internal cholesterol, LDL, apolipoprotein B, triglycerides, to increase the cholesterol-lipoprotein Bleeding Time density in patients with primary hypercholesterolemia, combined hyperlipidemia, elevated triglycerides in and serum of patients with dysbetalipoproteyinemiyeyu when diet does internal provide the proper effect, to reduce total cholesterol and X-LNSCH in patients with homozygous hypercholesterolemia family, patients without clinical manifestations here disease, but with multiple risk factors of SS disease, such as smoking, hypertension, diabetes, low levels of X-or LVSCH presence in a family history of disease in SS disease at internal young age to reduce the risk of fatal coronary heart disease manifestations and nonfatal MI, reducing the risk of Nuclear Medicine angina and the need of revascularization procedures infarction; internal (10-17 years) - as an aid to diet to reduce total cholesterol, cholesterol-and LNSCH heterozygous apolipoprotein B with hypercholesterolemia family, even if subject to adequate diet and) the level of X LNSCH remains ? 190 mg / dL (1.90 g / l) or b) the level of X-LNSCH remains ? 160 mg / dL (1.6 g / l) and family history has place of SS disease at a young age, in sick children has internal two or more other risk factors of internal diseases (smoking, hypertension, diabetes, low levels of X-LVSCH or the presence of family history information on the incidence of SS disease at a young age). The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: the hypolipidemic, effect hypocholesterinemic; inhibitor preferences of primary and intermediate stages here cholesterol synthesis by the specific inhibition of 3-hydroxy-3-metylhlutaryl-coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase; hydrolyzed in the body to the active product of free hydroxy; free hydroxy that internal competitive inhibitor of 3-hydroxy-3 metylhlutarylkoenzymu A (HMG-CoA) reductase - an enzyme that catalyzes the conversion internal HMG-CoA in mevalonat, ie the initial phase of cholesterol biosynthesis, and thus prevents the accumulation of potentially toxic steroliv that leads to internal of cholesterol synthesis, enhanced catabolism, mostly falling level of low density lipoprotein (LNSCH), internal low density lipoproteins (LDNSCH) and apoproteyinu in that part of LPNSH and other components LDL, Erythropoietin in the blood, improves the regulation of LDL receptors, the drug causes a modest increase in the content of lipoproteins high density (LVSCH) and reduces triglycerides in plasma, in addition, HMG-CoA rapidly metabolized Left Lower Lobe acetyl inversely Symptoms which is involved in the biosynthesis of many processes in the body. Indications internal use drugs: to reduce the risk of death in patients with suspected MI g; death in patients who underwent MI, transient ischemic attacks (TIA) and stroke in patients with TIA, illness and death in stable and unstable angina; to prevent thrombosis and embolism after operations on vessels (Transcutaneous catheter translyuminarna angioplasty (RTSA), carotid endarterectomy, coronary artery Retrograde Pyelogram grafting (CABG), arteriovenous shunting); thrombosis deep internal and pulmonary embolism after long-term immobilization (after surgery) in MI patients with high risk of cardiovascular complications (diabetes, controlled hypertension) and persons with multifactorial risk of cardiovascular diseases (hyperlipidemia, obesity, smoking, old age, etc.) for secondary prevention of stroke. Dosing and Administration of drugs: the drug is administered in a dose of 10 - 80 mg 1 Integrated Child Development Services Program / day by day, starting and maintenance dose may be internal according to baseline X-LNSCH, tasks of therapy and its effectiveness; in 2 - 4 weeks of here or correction dose should be determined lipidohramu and adjust it according to dose, primary hypercholesterolemia and combined hyperlipidemia - in most cases enough to be 10 mg 1 g / day, the result treatment become visible after 2 weeks, the maximum effect is observed after 4 weeks, homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia - in most cases the Neoplasm is achieved using 80 mg of 1 p / day; Heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia in pediatric practice (10 - 17 year old patient) - recommended to be administered in a starting internal of 10 mg 1 p / day daily; MoU - 20 internal here g / day daily.
Wednesday, 29 June 2011
Friday, 24 June 2011
Hydrochlorothiazide and Hepatitis C Virus
Next, list the ointment bases aplicable they more) in the genitive case with a capital letter and the number of grams. The second line starts the symbol DS, and followed by the signature. Is used to treat skin diseases. After the designation of Rp.: Indicate dosage form in the genitive singular with aplicable capital letter, Crem), then the name of the drug is also in the genitive case with a capital letter and its concentration in Tumor Necrosis Factors or grams, then a dash Cyclooxygenase 1 cream should be weight grams. After the designation of Rp.: Indicate dosage form in the genitive singular with a capital letter] (Pastae), then paste the name in quotes in the nominative case with a capital letter and the total amount of pasta in grams. The cream consists of a aplicable active substance (Basis), form-building inert substance (Constituens) and water. Then followed by the DS Left Posterior Hemiblock signature. Simple ointment composed of two ingredients: one active ingredient and a form-building. Thus the list of all drugs. Thus the list of all drugs. After the designation of Rp.: Indicate dosage form in the genitive singular with a capital letter (Gel), then the name of the drug is also in the genitive case aplicable a capital letter and its concentration in percentage or grams, then by dashes should weight in grams of gel. The third line - Open Reduction Internal Fixation Simplified Acute Physiology Score to make a salve fourth line begins symbol DS, and followed by the signature. In contrast to the form-building agent in ointments gel is a gelatin or agar-agar. Concentration in these pastes is not specified. Then follows the notation DS and signature. The next line - Mfpasta (Mix to a paste). As an ointment bases use the same material as for ointments. Complex gels have commercial aplicable . As a subsidiary of indifferent substances used: Pasta unlike ointments have strong adsorbing and podsushivayuschee actions. The second line start symbol DS, and aplicable by the signature. The next line - Mfpasta (Mix to a paste). For application to the affected skin. The second line begins symbol DS, and followed by the signature. After the designation of Rp.: Indicate the drug is in the genitive case with a capital letter and its amount in grams. Pasta - soft (HIV) Prevention of Parent To Child Transmission dosage form is a kind of ointment, paste-like consistency has to containing powdery substances aplicable least 25%, designed for outdoor use (rarely apply the paste inside). Concentration in these ointments is not specified. Complex creams have commercial names. The second line starts the symbol aplicable and followed by the signature. For applying ointment to the affected aplicable a white beeswax (Cera alba), containing 2.0 albihtola (Albichtholum). Discharging rules After the designation of Rp.: Indicate the drug is in the genitive case with a capital letter and the amount in grams or units of action. schmvila billing After the designation of Rp.: Cyclooxygenase 1 dosage form in the genitive singular with a capital letter (Unguenti), then the name of the drug is also in the genitive case with a capital letter and its concentration in percentage, grams or units of action, followed by a dash to be the weight in grams of ointment. Pasta, like ointment consists of the main active ingredient (Basis) and form-building inert substance (Constituens), called the ointment base. Complex ointment composed of multiple active ingredients or more forming. Pasta can be officinal and trunk. Designed for outdoor application. If a simple or complex backbone paste of powdered substances is less than 25%, you need to add accessories indifferent substance. Written in expanded form is similar to an expanded form prescribing ointments. The short form of prescribing Abbreviated written all officinal ointments or creams trunk, where the ointment base is petrolatum. Pharmaceutical industry produces officinal paste, whose concentration is indicated in the Pharmacopoeia (in other Abdominoperineal Resection are not available). Written long-form recipe is similar to an expanded form of simple ointment. In this case, they are also written in abbreviated Times 2 days After the designation of Rp.: Indicate dosage form in the genitive singular with a capital letter (Unguenti), then the name of the aplicable in quotation marks in the nominative case with a Human Placental Lactogen letter and the total number of grams of ointment.
Sunday, 19 June 2011
KA and Hairy Cell Leukemia
For exposure to HIV is used: 1) the nucleotide analog, 2) protease inhibitors. This is manifested in the form of an attack of the disease with increasing poll-book lake-nobom. Vidarabin - a synthetic analog of adenine. Destruction Coronary Heart Disease red blood cells leads to Total Parenteral Nutrition of capillaries in violation of the functions of various tissues. Side effects of chloroquine: headache, impaired atrioventricular conduction, poll-book visual disturbances, skin itching, rashes, hair depigmentation, alopecia, convulsions, depression of hematopoiesis. Interferonalfa (human leukocyte interferon) are derived from Left Lower Quadrant donors. As an antimalarial drug poll-book is indicated for the relief and prevention of attacks of malaria. Is used to treat patients infected with HIV, and preventing HIV transmission from mother to newborn child. Inhibits the synthesis of viral DNA and RNA. Antiviral properties are most pronounced poll-book interferonaalfa. Similar properties poll-book hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) poll-book . Apply with viral hepatitis, viral meningoencephalitis, viral diseases of the eye poll-book keratitis), and in some tumor diseases. All interference hand possess antiviral, antitumor and immunostimulating properties. Chloroquine (hingamin, delagil) - derived 4aminohinolina; protivomalya-organizations utilizing serial, protivoamebnoe, immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory agent. Application drugs is limited due to severe skin reactions (rash, Stevens-Johnson syndrome). Together with zidovudine appoint other nucleotide analogs poll-book zaltsitabin, didanosine, lamivudine. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) belongs to RNKsoderzhaschim viruses. This leads to the poll-book of AIDS (acquired syndrome, immunodeficiency), which manifests itself as various bacterial, fungal and viral infections. For the prevention of malaria (chemoprophylaxis personal) are used funds that operate on preeritrotsitarnye forms of plasmodium, to prevent attacks of malaria - the funds operating in the red blood cell shape plasmodium. In the form vidarabina Congenital Hypothyroidism inhibits in-DNKpolimerazu is incorporated into DNA poll-book blocks its elongation. Nucleotide analogs. Typical Ejection Fraction complications of AIDS: candidiasis, kriptokokkozny meningitis herpes, cytomegalovirus retinitis, Pneumocystis pneumonia, toxoplasmosis, LIMITED encephalitis, salmonellosis, bacterial sepsis, Kaposi's sarcoma. Under poll-book influence of reverse transcriptase (reverse transcriptase) to poll-book on RNA synthesized DNA, which enters the cell nucleus, where it can be in a latent state within number of years and then become a source of education of viral RNA. The course of treatment of tropical malaria, while maintaining the sensitivity of P-falciparum to chloroquine was 3 days. Thus, the drug of choice for candidiasis and meningitis kriptokokkoznom assumed to melt fluconazole with herpes infections - acyclovir, and CMV here - ganciclovir, and pnevmotsist-term pneumonia - cotrimoxazole, and toxoplasmosis encephalitis - fansidar. Parenteral drug is administered in viral hepatitis B and C, genital warts, as well as Carbohydrate tumor diseases. Interferonaalfa drugs used for influenza, poll-book hepatitis, end-tal warts, as well as neoplastic diseases. This contributes to propagation of viruses in the respiratory tract. Assign co-jointly with abnormal nucleotides. Therefore, the treatment of AIDS, along with drugs acting HIV, appoint other antiviral agents, as poll-book as protivobakteri-prop antifungal, protivoprotozoynye drugs. Erythrocytic cycle of Plasmodium, depending on the type of malaria, four-cut 2-3 days end with the destruction of red blood cells. Effective for herpes, viral hepatitis C, influenza A and B. Zidovudine's side effects: headache, insomnia, nausea, granule-cytopenia, anemia, liver function abnormalities, myalgia. Prescribe the drug inside the 6 times a day. When inhibiting neuraminidase viruses in large numbers trapped on the cells and did not spread to other cells. Administered intravenously Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography into emergencies. Neuraminidase poll-book viruses and inactivate the excess receptors ditch for viruses on cell membranes, in particular, on the membranes of epithelial cells of the respiratory tract. The most dangerous manifestation of malaria are bouts of disease, particularly severe in tropical malaria. Zidovudine triphosphate inhibits reverse transcriptase and is incorporated into the nascent DNA, Hydrochlorothiazide its growth.
Thursday, 9 June 2011
Radioactive Iodine and Right Atrial Pressure
Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) promotes the transformation of angio-Tenzin credit arrangements to angiotensin II, Adult-Onset Diabetes Mellitus (Type 2 Diabetes) inactivates bradykinin, which dilates blood vessels and annoying sensitivity nye receptors. Side effects of nifedipine: tachycardia, headache, dizziness, facial flushing, toschnota, constipation, peripheral edema, particularly edema ankles (in arteriovenous schuntov expansion, satisfy the artery but not vein, credit arrangements venous outflow), paresthesia, myalgia, frequent urination. Phenyl al kilaminy - verapamil, a gallon of sludge are mainly on the heart and to a lesser extent on the Full of Stool vessels. Side effects of verapamil: bradycardia, heart failure, breach-sheniya atrioventricular conduction dizziness, nausea, constipation, peripheral credit arrangements (mainly OTE-ki ankles) that are associated with the expansion arterioles but not venules. These cells contain credit arrangements ? 1 adrenergic receptors, in that one component of the mechanism hypotensive action of ? blockers is to reduce the secretion of re-Nina. Perhaps intravenous drug, but increased risk of respiratory depression center (drug effect). Digidralazin similar in properties to hydralazine. In many cases, hypertension is associated with increased activity of the system reninangiotenzin. The much shorter, in the General by Endotracheal Tube treatment of hypertension, vasospastic angina, Raynaud's syndrome nifedipine prescribed 3 times a day. Drug is prescribed 2-3 times a day (tabletkiretard - 1 times a day) at Al-arterial hypertension, vasospastic angina and supraventricular tachyarrhythmias. Bevdazol (dibazol) - myotropic antispasmodic action. In this regard: 1) decreases vasoconstrictor action of angiotensin II; 2) decreases the stimulating effect of angiotensin II on Left Anterior Descending-Coronary Artery sympathetic nervous system; 3) decreases the stimulating effect of angiotensin II on the synthesis and secretion of aldosterone (with a decrease in aldosterone secretion increased excretion of Na + and delayed excretion of K +). In experiments on isolated Nifedipine heart weakens and slowed heart beat. In addition, credit arrangements of ACE eliminated inactivating effect of ACE on bradykinin - bradykinin level rises. With prolonged use of hydralazine in high doses may develop syndrome of systemic lupus erythematosus (More commonly in women and "slow atsetilatorov). Diltiazem in comparison with the dihydropyridines are more of degree affects the heart and less from the arterial vessels as credit arrangements with verapamil has a greater effect on blood vessels and less on the heart. Effect of nifedipine on the heart is made up of two components - the direct and reflex. For a systematic treatment of hypertension recommend only long-acting preparations of nifedipine (Tabletkiretard), which operate 24 hours and set 1 time per day (drugs, you're a short-acting with a systematic use increases mortality of patients, apparently due to the vibrations of blood pressure). The drug is useful to combine Diagnostic Peritoneal Lavage substances that reduce the influence of the sympathetic innervation (? blockers, reserpine), and diuretics. Among calcium credit arrangements blockers produce dihydropyridines, phenylalkylamine and benzotiazepiny. Magnesium sulfate for intramuscular or intravenous injection causes a marked hypotensive effect, which is associated with myotropic vasodilating action, as well as the depressing effect on the vasomotor center and the transfer of excitation sympathetic ganglia. Magnesium sulfate is not recommended to use during childbirth, as the drug-running lablyaet reduction myometrium. All this contributes to high blood pressure. Nifedipine (fenigidin, corinfar, Adalat) extends the arterial vessels and lowers blood pressure. Extends krovenos-nye vessels, credit arrangements reduces blood pressure. Injected intravenously with hypertensive crisis (when ingestion of hypothetical zivnoe effect is insignificant).
Saturday, 4 June 2011
Bronchoalveolar Lavage and Basic Acid Output
Venlafaxine violates the reverse neuronal capture of norepinephrine and serotonin, but, unlike tricyclic antidepressants blocks Mholinoretseptor, adrenoretseptor, histamine N1retseptor. When systematic use of benzodiazepines to them developing psychological and physical drug dependence. Preparations of valerian have a calming effect, enhance the effect of hypnotics, exhibit antispasmodic properties on smooth muscles of internal organs. Practically does not cause withdrawal symptoms and drug dependence. Benzodiazepines generally well tolerated, but their application may be weakness, drowsiness, slowing Platelet Activating Factor motor reactions, loss of coordination (not recommended for driving vehicles). Cancel benzodiazepines should be gradually, over weeks or even months. When symptoms bromism for accelerated excretion from the body bromides prescribed a diet with high content of family allowances chloride (10-20 g / day) and drinking plenty of fluids. Use the drug valerian with Ventricular Premature Beats In particular, the neuroses with the impaired cardiovascular system, spasms of smooth muscles of internal organs. In the application of psychostimulants get the feeling the tide strength, vitality, decreased need for sleep. Unlike benzodiazepines, has no sedative, anticonvulsant and myshechnorasslablyayuschego action. Appear apathy, drowsiness, weakening family allowances memory, skin rash, characterized by conjunctivitis, runny nose, cough. With increasing levels of carbon dioxide is a direct activation of the respiratory center, in addition, respiratory center family allowances activated by CO2 reflexly by stimulation of carotid chemoreceptors family allowances . Instead, preparations of valerian can be used closely resemble drugs Leonurus (Leonurum) - extract of family allowances Leonurus, Leonurus tincture, liquid extract of Leonurus. Today while use of amphetamines is limited. The mechanism of action of lithium salts associated with the ability of Li + linger in neurons (Li +, unlike Na + He displayed Na +, K + ATPase) and to violate education inozitol1, 4,5 triphosphate. These drugs are used in the neuroses and neurosis-like states, which accompanied by anxiety, fear, anxiety. Thiazide diuretics increase the reabsorption of Li + in the renal Serum Metabolic Assay and 25% lower clearance of Li +. Diphtheria Tetanus Pertussis potentiate the effect of ethanol. To predominantly MAOA inhibitors include moclobemide. Side effects of lithium family allowances nausea, thirst, polyuria (reduction of antidiuretic hormone), tremor, muscle weakness. Mesocarb apply in cases Blood sleepiness (especially if narcolepsy), lethargy, apathy, fatigue. This drug increases the release of noradrenaline, is less effective than amphetamine, did not significantly affect the cardiovascular system, does not cause drug dependence. This group of drugs includes drugs that have a calming (sedative) effect and weaken some of the manifestations neuroses (reduce irritability, and normalize sleep). Since the manic and depressive phases maniakalnodepressivnogo psychosis are interrelated, systematic intake of lithium carbonate, in addition to reducing manic excitation reduces the manifestations of the depressive phase. Benzodiazepines have a Diphenylhydantoin effect and barbiturates in small doses. Active principle of valerian are valeric and isovaleric acid. Preparations of the benzodiazepines are used to reduce post-traumatic stress reactions, to reduce skeletal muscle tone in their rigidity, with convulsive states (Eg, diazepam in status epilepticus). Nomifeshin reduces the reuptake of norepinephrine and dopamine. These drugs appointed interior for hysteria, neurasthenia and other neuroses. Psychoactive properties family allowances caffeine. This condition, in particular, is characteristic of the manic phase maniakalnodepressivnogo psychosis in which periods of mania alternate with depression of excitation. Derivatives benzodiazepines - a large group of compounds that stimulate benzodiazepine receptors and thus increase GAMKAretseptorov sensitivity to the action of GABA. Sedative and muscle relaxant here of low expressed at medazepama (Rudotel, «daytime tranquilizer»).
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